Inconsistent JavaScript imports can lead to duplicate code

So this happened recently in a project at @work. I was analyzing the size of this project’s bundle and noticed that a lot of @company/internal-lib
’s code was being included twice. I tracked down all the imports of this library and found that on a file we were doing this:
import { x } from '@company/internal-lib';
But on another file we were doing this:
import { y } from '@company/internal-lib/lib/y';
We were importing from /lib/y
because internal-lib
’s main index file wasn’t exporting y
, and it was easier and quicker for a developer to import directly from that path than to submit a patch to the repository of @company/internal-lib
, release a new version, and then change the project’s package.json
to use that new version.
This slightly different import was the apparent cause of all that duplicate code.
But why?
First of all, it was because @company/internal-lib
is written in TypeScript, and there’s a build/publish step that creates two different folders to be consumed by various projects:
├── package.json
├── src
| ├── index.ts
| └── ...
├── lib
| ├── index.js
| └── ...
└── es
├── index.js
└── ...
The lib
folder contained code transpiled to CommonJS and the es
folder contained the same code transpiled to a more modern JavaScript format.1
Then, internal-lib’s package.json
contained this:
"main": "./lib/index.js",
"module": "./es/index.js",
The main
field is the primary entry point of the package, as per Node’s original spec. This means that code like require('@company/internal-lib')
actually imports the file ./lib/index.js
The module
field is another entry point, this time used by most bundlers (such as ESBuild, Rollup and Webpack). For a long time, there were multiple competing standards for JavaScript modules, such as CommonJS (CJS), AMD, and UMD. Ultimately, ECMAScript Modules (or ESM), in conjunction with the module
field, was the proposal that bundlers agreed on because it lead to better code tree-shaking.3
Finally, our project was using Webpack which prefers ESM and looks for that module
field. So when we did a regular import { x } from '@company/internal-lib'
Webpack went to the es
folder. But when we did an import { y } from '@company/internal-lib/lib/y'
we forced Webpack to go to the lib
folder and load CommonJS code which isn’t easily tree-shakable.
And there you have it.
That innocent-looking import was the cause of all the duplicate code. We fixed it by submitting a patch to @company/internal-lib
to export y
from its main index file and then updating all the imports inside the project. We also forbade the problematic imports with ESLint’s no-restricted-imports
rule so we don’t repeat this mistake.
Watch out for this in your codebase. Don’t make the same mistake!
To be honest this folder structure didn’t make a lot of sense. A more sensible folder naming scheme would be something like
for code using the old CommonJS format and./dist/esm/*
for the more modern format. ↩ -
If a
field isn’t specified inside thepackage.json
, Node will try to import anindex.js
file located in the root folder of the required package. ↩ -
Major bundlers adopted the
field proposal because it lead to better tree-shaking. Node did not accept this proposal and opted for"type": "module"
instead. Also, there is now a third standard: theexports
field, used by at least Node and Webpack (XKCD 927 flashbacks). ↩